The Abiotic components in nature are non-living factors like slope, elevation, sunlight angle, temperature, water, air, and soil, which influence how living things survive and grow.
To achieve more realistic results, OpenScatter has incorporated the "Slope," "Elevation," and "Angle" masks to control the distribution of your instances.
The Slope Mask can be used to control the maximum slope that the instances can grow on. For example, trees rarely grow on steep surfaces, so using the feature can be super useful if you're creating something like a mountain with trees on it.
The 'Tree Line' defines the edge of where trees are no longer able to grow. This often happens at high elevations. Using the elevation mask in OpenScatter, you can achieve the same effect. It simply allows you to choose a maximum elevation that the instances can grow to.
Many plants are affected by sunlight. Using the angle mask can ensure that plants only grow in or out of sunlight to achieve a similar effect to what happens in nature.