The Proximity panel allows you to control where instances appear (or don’t appear) based on their distance to specified geometry or curves. You can configure whether instances cluster around (Seek) or avoid (Avoid) those references, with additional settings to fine-tune how quickly the effect fades in or out

Geometry Proximity

Single / Multiple Objects: Choose whether to use a single object or a collection as a reference for proximity calculations.

Single Object:
Allows you to pick one specific object.

Multiple Objecst:
Lets you select multiple objects (e.g., a collection of rocks, buildings, etc.).

Object: Specify the object (or objects) you want to measure distance from. Instances will be placed (or removed) depending on the proximity to this reference.

Distance: Defines the distance threshold for proximity. Higher values mean the proximity effect extends farther from the chosen object(s).

Smooth Transition: Enable this to control the transition of the growth. Use the "Transition" value below, to define the smoothness of the transition.

Curve Proximity

Single / Multiple Curves: Similar to the geometry option, but uses curve objects as the reference.

Single Curve:
Use one curve to define your proximity.

Multiple Curves:
Use a collection of curves for more complex proximity control.

Curve: Select the specific curve(s) that will influence scattering distribution.

Distance: The proximity range around the curve(s). Instances within this distance (Seek) or beyond this distance (Avoid) are affected.

Smooth Transition: Enable this to control the transition of the growth. Use the "Transition" value below, to define the smoothness of the transition.

Infinite Z: When enabled, the proximity effect will take effect regardless of the curves position on the vertical axis.

Avoid / Seek: